Mickey Mantle

Miami, OK – March 10, 2017 - Dobson Museum to host "Mickey Mantle: Baseball Hero in Black and White" traveling exhibit during April-May 2017. The exhibit is from the Oklahoma History Center in Oklahoma City. This exhibit is featuring photographs from the Daily Oklahoman of Mickey Mantle through his life and career as a New York Yankee where he was known as the “Commerce Comet.”
The Ottawa County Historical Society will have a couple of cases available for anyone who has items pertaining to Mickey Mantle and would like to place them on a temporary loan to the society during April and May to be on display near the exhibit. Any groups or schools wanting special tours during this exhibit are encouraged to schedule those as several inquiries have been made about tours.
The museum will be open on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 1:00-4:00 p.m. between April 1st and May 26th excluding holidays. Groups and Schools may schedule tours on other days of the week as well.
Ottawa County Historical Society and Dobson Museum would like to recognize the following individuals and businesses for their contributions and assistance in making this exhibit a success!
Special Thanks