
If you would like to place an order please contact us during normal business hours at (918)542-5388 or email your order to Prices include taxes.
- $10 - Dobson Memorial Center Christmas Ornament
- $10 - Coleman Theatre Beautiful Christmas Ornament
- $10 - Route 66 75th Anniversary Ornament
- $10 - A Dead Marshal, A Manless Wedding, and A Forgotten Baseball Tea
- $28 - Abandoned Picher, Oklahoma
- $25 - Along Route 66
- $25 - Ambush: Bonnie and Clyde
- $25 - Cemeteries of Southern Ottawa County, Oklahoma
- $19 - Eat & Explore Oklahoma Cookbook
- $25 - Fairland Remembered
- $20 - Forty Years Among the Indians – Jeremiah Hubbard
- $5 - G.A.R. Cemetery Index (1978)
- $5 - G.A.R. Cemetery Index Supplement (1988)
- $25 - Ghosts Towns of Oklahoma
- $25 - Indian Tribes of Oklahoma: A Guide
- $25 - Iron Post School
- $15 - Jefferson Highway All The Way
- $100 - Lithographs of Charles Banks Wilson
- $25 - Lost Oklahoma Treasure
- $10 - Love, War, and Football
- $15 - Ma Barker
- $25 - Mantle: The Best There Ever Was
- $20 - Masters of Empire
- $5 - Miami Flood (July 4, 2007)
- $2 - Mining Directory (1926)
- $2 - Miami Resources and Tributary Book
- $18 - Mickey Mantle: The Commerce Comet
- $5 - Mt. Hope Cemetery – Afton
- $35 - Portrait of Route 66
- $15 - Pretty Boy Floyd
- $1.50 Quapaw Pow Wow Program
- $30 - Route 66 Crossings
- $22 - Route 66 in Oklahoma
- $25 - Tar Creek
- $20 - The Classic Mantle
- $22 - The Jefferson Highway in Oklahoma
- $17 - The Last Boy Mickey Mantle
- $15 - The Miami
- $50 - The Quapaws
- $15 - The Shawnee
- $25 - Father of Route 66: Cy Avery
- $25 - Charles Banks Wilson
- $35 - Portrait of Route 66: Images from Curt Teich Postcard Archive
- $30 - Picher, Oklahoma: Catastrophe, Memory, and Trauma
- $30 - The Jefferson Highway: Blazing the Way from Winnipeg to New Orleans

- $15 - Mickey Mantle DVD
- $15 - The Ozarks Uplift: Story of Tri-State Mining
- $5 - 1943 Minerals of Oklahoma Resources Map
- $6 - Rt 66 - 90th Anniversary Map
- $2 - Six Generation Pedigree Chart
- $2 - Nine Generation Pedigree Chart
- $5 - 15 Generation Pedigree Chart
- $1 - Historic Map of Ottawa County, Oklahoma
- $15 - Ottawa County, Oklahoma Allotment Map
- $10 - Crawdad Poster
- $30 - Mickey Mantle Poster (Framed)
- $20 - Mickey Mantle Poster (Unframed)
- $10 - Steve and Cassie Gaines Tribute Poster
- $18/set or $5/each - Charles Banks Wilson Placemats or Posters
- $.50/each or 3/$1 - B.F. Goodrich Jar Opener
- $18/set Charles Banks Wilson Placemats
- $1 - Charles Banks Wilson Postcard
- $10 - Coleman Christmas Ornament
- $10 - Dobson Christmas Ornament
- $2 - Dobson Notecards
- $10 - Large Coyne Art
- $3 - Miami Centennial Calendar
- $8 - Miami, OK Notebook
- $20 - Oklahoma Blown Glass Ornament
- $.25 - Postcards Individuals
- 5/$1 - Postcards
- $.50 Route 66 Postcard Individual
- 3/$1 - Route 66 Postcards
- $5 - Small Coyne Art
- $3 - Route 66 Fridge Magnet
- $3 - Route 66 Keychains
- $10 - Miami 125th Calendar
- $10 - Miami 125th Coin
- $1 - Large Charles Banks Wilson Postcard of Indian Lithograph
- $10 - Rt 66 Tye Dye Shirts (Small, Medium, or Large)
- $5 - Rt 66 Coloring Books
Access to library and reference collection | FREE |
B/W Photocopy (8 ½”x11”) | $.25 (per page) | $.50 (per page) |
B/W Photocopy (8 ½”x14”) | $.50 (per page) | $1.00 (per page) |
B/W Photocopy (11”x17”) | $1.00 (per page) | $1.50 (per page) |
Color Photocopy (8 ½”x11”) | $.50 (per page) | $1.00 (per page) |
Color Photocopy (8 ½”14”) | $1.00 (per page) | $1.50 (per page) |
Color Photocopy (11”x17”) | $1.50 (per page) | $2.00 (per page) |
Hourly rate for research services (research conducted by staff for offsite patron) | $10/hour | $15/hour |
Dobson Notecards $2/package

Dobson Postcards .25 cents each or 5/$1.00

Large Charles Banks Wilson Postcard of Indian Lithograph $1